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Home / Resources / Page 16
  • Appello di Blockupy: È giunto il momento di agire

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  • Blockupy transnational actions confirmed

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  • Greece: It’s the politics, stupid

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  • Tania Bruguera speaks out

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  • Mapping below the radar activists

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  • Not in our name: The Mediterranean kills over EU disagreement

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  • Cambia la Grecia Cambia l’Europa

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  • Let’s talk about utopia

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  • Solidarity – even at times of crisis? Favourable conditions and practical models for Europe

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  • Citi-rights Europe is up and running!

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  • European Alternatives a Human Factor

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  • Siamo con Charlie per la liberta’ di informazione e di convivenza pacifica

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  • Ulrich Beck: The necessity of a cosmopolitan outlook

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  • Free Tania Bruguera

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  • When in Rome – Transnational Dialogues 2014

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  • A parable of Maps and Europe’s future

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  • Notre soutien à un Intergroupe Antiracisme et Diversité » fort au sein du Parlement européen

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  • Il nostro supporto per un forte Intergruppo sull’Anti-razzismo e la Diversità al Parlamento Europeo

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  • The Balkan Forum: Situations, Struggles, Strategies

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  • Hungary: a shrinking civic space – a dilemma for Europe?

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  • Our support for a strong Intergroup on Anti-racism in the European Parliament

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  • We Need Hybrid Spaces to Build Alternatives

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  • Transnational Dialogues Journal 2014

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