Mar 4, 2013
Marilli Mastrantoni
Marilli is one of the candidates standing for elections of European Alternatives members’ representatives.. Find out more about who she is and why she stands as a candidate. Elections will take place from March 1st to 8th 2013: sign up to become a member and vote!

Ι’m Performer & Director, Artistic Director/CEO of Theatre ENTROPIA based in Athens, also involved in international interdisciplinary projects examining current issues.
Our work develops within a political context, always informed by societal realities, trying to explore the politics of theatre and theatre as politics.
We’re connected with grass-root organizations and alliances within wider society, attempting creative ways of political engagement, initiating practices of self-empowerment and solidarity and developing synergies for effective changes, lately within the frame of an extreme financial, political and social crisis.
I’d be really keen in promoting European Alternatives’ agenda in Greece and it’s also a great timing, since we’re about to launch our new international project, focusing on the European crisis and raising questions about the quality of our democracies. The project includes an open platform of debates and a public forum concerning our role and responsibilities as artists, thinkers and cultural operators living and creating in crucial times in relation with our audiences.
As a member of European Alternatives, I follow with great interest the events and the dialogue concerning the “Citizens Pact for European Democracy”, which I consider urgent and of vital importance. With my candidateship I wish to contribute to this dialogue, as well as to initiatives for the citizens’ mobilization towards more authentic and direct democratic structures.
Sincerely yours,
Marilli Mastrantoni