Sep 11, 2012
Final consultation on new EA constitution
Faced with an increasing crisis of democracy in Europe, European Alternatives is conducting a re-organisation of its internal functioning to turn itself into an ever more democratic citizens' movement capable of working at transnational level with new forms of direct participation and involvement.
European Alternatives seeks to promote alternative forms of transnational political subjectivity and collective cultural and political action. European Alternatives sees itself as an experiment in the construction of a participatory and democratic transnational actor in Europe.
To this end, following a consultation with members through a general online survey, a focus group of a sample of activists, and a consultation with staff, we have drafted a reformed democratic Constitution for the organisation, better clarifying decision-making structures and empowering the membership to control the course of the organisation.
The first draft of the constitution has been commented on my members and local groups over the Summer, leading to a second version being drafted. This second version is now subitted to a second round of consultation with members:
The revised Constitution draft may be be found here
Following this last consultaion, a joint meeting of the Transnational Board of European Alternatives and the Cooperative of Local Groups has been called on October 13 in London to approve the final text and begin implementing the new democratic Constitution of European Alternatives!