We pride ourselves on having a young, talented and transnational team that works hard to ensure European alternatives is a continuous success story. Meet the team of staff behind our organization.

Meet the team
Sharlen Sezestre
Fierce Project Coordinator
Sharlen Sezestre è un’attivista coinvolta fin dall’età di 13 anni in associazioni femministe che combattono la violenza contro le donne e in gruppi di aiuto ai richiedenti asilo.
Dopo aver conseguito un Master in Diritti Umani, ha lavorato come giurista presso France Terre d’Asile, poi come International Advocacy Officer presso le Planning Familial (un’associazione femminista francese che promuove la salute e i diritti sessuali e riproduttivi). È stata anche membro del Consiglio politico del Black Feminist Fund negli ultimi 6 anni, un fondo che mira a sostenere il finanziamento di organizzazioni femministe nere attraverso una prospettiva antirazzista e decoloniale.
Oggi è la Fierce Project Coordinator presso European Alternatives. -
Noemi Pittalà
Communications Officer
Noemi Pittalà is a multidisciplinary artivist and cultural professional from Palermo, working at the intersection of art and social inclusion. With a background in visual arts and theatre, she has specialized in communications within the cultural sector, focusing on creating connections and fostering community engagement. Her work emphasizes radical inclusion, collective care, and active youth participation. As a Pop The Vote Changemaker in the 2024 European election promotion campaign by Culture Action Europe, she actively engages in fostering civic participation. Following this project, Noemi founded 800V, an artivism initiative aimed at empowering young people in Southern Italy. She is based in Brussels.
Irene Alonso Toucido
Project Manager
Irene is the project manager of the Democratic Odyssey, a collaborative and decentralised initiative aiming at institutionalizing a peoples’ assembly and participatory ecosystem in Europe.
As a sociologist, Irene has a profound professional and personal interest in the commons, citizen participation and ecofeminism. She is particularly fascinated by the connections between degrowth, community and ancestral wisdoms.
Of nomadic nature, Irene’s work is driven by a commitment to fostering inclusive and sustainable societies. She has contributed to numerous projects and international forums, advocating for policies that empower communities. Her diverse experience and interdisciplinary approach enable her to connect theoretical concepts with practical applications, making her a bridge for grounding the Democratic Odyssey project.
Niccolò Milanese
Niccolò è direttore di European Alternatives. Attualmente è un European’s Future’s Fellow all’IWM di Vienna. Niccolò ha studiato a Cambridge, Siena e Parigi, dove è stato borsista dell’Entente Cordiale. A parte European Alternatives, è stato coinvolto nella fondazione di numerose organizzazioni politiche e culturali, riviste e iniziative su diverse sponde del Mediterraneo.
Marta Cillero
Marta Cillero è responsabile delle comunicazioni. di European Alternatives. Si è laureata in Media Studies, Giornalismo e Comunicazione (Madrid, Istanbul e Chicago) e ha un master in Studi di genere (Roma). Ha pubblicato diversi articoli e rapporti di ricerca sulla violenza di genere nei paesi del Mediterraneo.
È membro del comitato esecutivo e project manager di Chayn Italia, un’organizzazione pluripremiata con sede in Italia, Pakistan, India e Regno Unito che aiuta le donne che subiscono abusi e violenza di genere attraverso risorse multilingue aperte e gratuite sulla sicurezza online.
Camilo Alvarez Garrido
Creations & Publications Assistant
I’m an activist and researcher from Chile. I moved to Germany in 2019 to pursue a Master’s in Global Studies. Since 2020, I have been actively involved in the migrant labor struggle in Berlin, particularly in the organisation of delivery riders with the Gorillas Workers’ Collective and its network, as well as in the construction of transectorial alliance between labor, housing and climate activists through the Make Amazon Pay campaign.
Alongside European Alternatives’ Berlin Hub and the School of Transnational Organizing, I also work as a research assistant at the Humboldt University Institute of European Ethnology together with the Berlin Institute for Migration and Integration Research. My personal research is currently focused on the role of care practices in enabling intersectional solidarity building within organised spaces of resistance. I believe the most important task at hand in political organising is forging organisational cultures capable of attending to the complex diversity of our human needs, so as to allow us to pool our capacities together in more effective and sustainable ways.
Viktoria Kostova
Project coordinator
Viktoria Kostova has a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and just finished her Master’s degree in Management of Creative Industries and Cultural Organizations in Sofia, Bulgaria. She has worked for different NGOs in the sphere of culture and education locally and internationally, predominantly in Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Tenerife, Sweden, UK and the USA.
She is interested in sustainability in the arts, activism, youth engagement and audience development.
Csenge Schneider-Lonhart
Project coordinator
Csenge is the Local Coordinator of the TransEuropa Festival, taking place in Cluj this year. She was born in 1998 in Budapest. In 2022 she finished her Master’s degree in Contemporary Theatre at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Faculty of Theatre and Film. She has volunteered at various festivals, such as the TESZT Festival in Timișoara, the Interferences Festival and the Khetane festival in Cluj .
She was one of the founders of the Questioning Reality Festival, the first research festival in Cluj-Napoca, organised around the topic of the Smart City concept of Cluj. The QR project debates, analyses, and dissects, together with the local community, the hidden problems of a smart city.
She is currently collaborating with Casa Tranzit, where she is involved in projects that address interaction and care for children. She is part of the movement Social Housing NOW!, which is a local movement for public housing and housing justice.
Gabriela Siegel
Grassroots Community Manager
Gabriela was an intern at the Berlin Hub of European Alternatives, working on the School of Transnational Organizing‘s education and training programs for migrant workers, East German & Eastern European activists, as well as youth activists and campaigners from across Europe.
She has almost ten years of experience in direct legal services, community organising, and policy work with refugee and immigrant communities, both in Lebanon and the US. Gabriela worked in the US as a movement lawyer, representing low-income undocumented individuals, first in their immigration cases and later on employment and labour matters. She also worked on designing and implementing benefits and policies to support low-income immigrants in New York State. She is currently completing a master’s programme through the Global Labour University on Labour Policies and Globalisation.
Since April 2023, Gabriela has transitioned into her new role as Grassroots Community Manager building, holding, and caring for our community and network in Berlin and across Europe.
Billie Dibb
Project Witch and Logistics Maestra
Billie works on and is the focal point too the ‘imagination’ projects of European Alternatives, and helps in the logistics of the Paris Office.
Billie works on and is the focal point too the ‘imagination’ projects of European Alternatives, and helps in the logistics of the Paris Office. They have an academic background in International Politics, with a focus on gendered nationalism and big data. They also have experience within the asylum & migration sector across the UK & France, covering roles in event management, graphics & communications, campaigning, and coordination.
Billie created and runs an event in Paris, ‘La Voisin’, an exhbo-cum-party creating a space for feminist thought and artistic expression. Billie is passionate about, and dabbles in, the creative possibilities of new technologies in the arts and how they can facilitate social change. -
Jana Ahlers
Grassroots Education Manager
Jana is Grassroots Education Manager at European Alternatives, working within the School of Transnational Organizing. She is dedicated to creating transformative learning spaces and building capacity to collaboratively strategize for system change.
With a background in education, she has a passion for critical and experiential pedagogy and research interest in how social movements learn and engage in counter-hegemonic knowledge production.
As a social and climate justice organizer and activist she has experience and a wide network across the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, the UK, and Germany.
Most recently, she coordinated the programme of the People’s Summit for Climate Justice in Glasgow. Working with the COP26 Coalition, she draws on capacity organizing with a wide range of civil society groups, ranging from environment and development NGOs, to grassroots community campaigns, youth groups, indigenous groups, and migrant and racial justice networks.
Outside of EA, Jana is a Berlin-based grassroots organizer and activist, steadily pushing towards new imaginaries and strategic wins by the people.
Myriam Zekagh
Project coordinator
Myriam Zekagh coordinates EA’s programmes focused on youth and social movements, and monitors the impact of EA’s activities through monitoring, evaluation and learning.
Her work focuses on developing and evaluating projects with high social impact, engaging with local activists, civil society organisations and local authorities to create strong and long-lasting connections. She has lived and worked in and outside of Europe, most notably in Germany and North Africa.
Ophélie Masson
Ophélie coordina il progetto “Assemblee della solidarietà” e diverse altre aree chiave di lavoro di European Alternatives, compresa la coalizione “Citizens Takeover Europe”.
Ha lavorato come responsabile della comunicazione per diverse ONG internazionali, dove si è concentrata sulla definizione di nuove narrazioni comuni e sulla promozione di processi linguistici inclusivi. Ha creato e condotto campagne a livello europeo, impegnandosi con attori che vanno dalle organizzazioni di base alle istituzioni europee. Ha anche lavorato nella comunicazione per un deputato al Parlamento europeo.
Ophélie è una femminista impegnata, che crede in un approccio intersezionale per porre fine a tutte le forme di violenza e oppressione di genere. È appassionata di ceramica e fa volontariato con organizzazioni locali che difendono i diritti LGBT+. Ha partecipato al film “En ce Moment”, selezionato alla Biennale di Venezia.
Letizia Gullo
Letizia Gullo si è laureata in Storia contemporanea. Ha lavorato come redattrice e traduttrice in Italia, Francia e Stati Uniti. Nel 2010 ha iniziato a occuparsi di documentari come autrice e regista. Ha partecipato come coautore con il regista Stefano Savona a un progetto per un archivio audiovisivo di storie di vita di anziani ex contadini siciliani, da cui sono stati tratti due film, Spezzacatene e Sulla stessa barca. Ha diretto, con Ester Sparatore, Mare Magnum, un documentario sulle elezioni comunali di Lampedusa, un altro punto di vista sulla migrazione nel Mediterraneo. Ha diretto con Dagmawi Yimer il cortometraggio Giocherenda (vincitore del bando Migrarti del Ministero dei Beni Culturali) e il lungometraggio Strade Minori (in corso) entrambi su un gruppo di giovani rifugiati africani a Palermo. Collabora con Arte TV e insegna in workshop di regia per studenti di cinema e giovani rifugiati.
Lorenzo Marsili
Lorenzo Marsili è un filosofo, attivista e uno dei co-fondatori di European Alternatives. In precedenza ha lavorato nel giornalismo culturale a Londra e Pechino, dove ha fondato la rivista Naked Punch Review. È stato il promotore dell’Iniziativa europea per il pluralismo dei media, una campagna internazionale che chiede una migliore protezione del pluralismo e della libertà dei media a livello europeo, e di Dialoghi transnazionali, un programma pluriennale di scambio artistico tra innovatori culturali in Cina, Brasile ed Europa. Nel suo libro Citizens of Nowhere: How to Save Europe for Itself (Zed Books 2018, scritto con Niccolò Milanese), racconta la storia di Alternative europee all’interno di una più ampia analisi politica e filosofica della crisi dello Stato-nazione. È un commentatore regolare dei media europei e si è laureato in filosofia e sinologia all’Università di Londra.
Segolene Pruvot
Ségolène Pruvot è direttrice culturale di Alternative europee. Formatasi come politologo e urbanista in Francia, Regno Unito e Germania, ha sviluppato una vasta esperienza nella progettazione e realizzazione di programmi culturali partecipativi transnazionali.
Ségolène ha guidato il Progetto Europa Creativa sulla ricostruzione del Rifugio Europa ed è ricercatrice nell’ambito del progetto H2020-RISE Co-creazione incentrato sulle aree urbane svantaggiate.
Ségolène è appassionata di uguaglianza, femminismo, migrazioni, diritti delle minoranze. È ricercatrice in sociologia urbana presso l’Università di Milano Bicocca e si occupa di come l’arte possa aiutare a costruire una (più) giusta città; esplorando esperimenti di teatro partecipativo in un’area a nord di Parigi (Saint-Denis). Da 15 anni lavora anche come consulente del programma europeo URBACT (www.urbact.eu), che comprende un gran numero di buone pratiche municipali in pratiche alternative nell’educazione e nell’accoglienza dei migranti.