Aug 8, 2018
‘What comes after the nation state?’ A congress to imagine a future beyond the nation state
Thoughts for a future beyond the nation state
on the 10-year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers
10:30h-22:00h – Haus der Berliner Festspiele
Speakers profiles
The Congress is open to all! No registration is necessary!
Ten years have past since the collapse of Lehman Brothers ushered in the great Western financial crisis. Since that day, history has returned with a vengeance. From ongoing economic stagnation in large parts of the West to rising extremism, from threats of an end of liberal democracy to challenges to neoliberal globalisation, the world appears in a state of flux. The moment of crisis, interregnum, continues to this day. But while events are racing forwards, can the same be said of ideas? Our conceptual toolkit appears tragically unable to describe our present and shape our future. Why is that? And what are some of the categories that we should radically re-interpret today?
We hold that today only the vision of a radically alternative organisation of our world will enable us to recuperate agency over our future.
In varying debates as well as artistic formats and with experts from all over Europe, such as Ulrike Guérot, Gesine Schwan, Manuela Bojadzijev, Sivan Ben Yishai, Ann Pettifor, Mehdi Moradpour, Brett Scott, Harald Schumann, Tithi Bhattacharya and many more, the one-day Congress deals with these questions and challenges.
A poster printing workshop enables visitors to conceive their own visuals for campaigns, assisted by the initiative This town needs posters!
The Congress is taking place on the closing day of the International Literature Festival of Berlin (ILB). The event is also linked with the Open Assembly of European Alternatives on Sunday September 16th where we will gather to work on concrete ideas and actions in workshops and smaller groups.
For more information about the Congress, please contact Daphne Büllesbach,
The event is co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union: