Jun 7, 2018
We invite five EA members to help us shaping this year’s Open Assembly in Berlin!
Are you a member of European Alternatives?
Do you want to participate in our next Open Assembly in Berlin?
Tell us why before Friday 15th June!
Europe, we need to talk! We are very excited to announce that we are extending an invitation to five members of European Alternatives (it is also your chance to sign up now to become a member!) to come to Berlin and shape this year’s Open Assembly that will happen on Sunday September 16th.
There is a lot to talk about! We want to discuss the priorities you see coming up for the next two years for civil society in Europe and look in particular how we position ourselves towards the upcoming European Parliament elections in May 2019. Are there already common actions we could join? What issues do we want to see in the campaigns of the political parties? What can we do to stop the shift towards right-wing populism and nationalism?
The day before, on September 15th, we also organise the Congress What comes after the nation-state? in cooperation with the international literature festival in Berlin, and we would be glad to have you there! The weekend of intense debating on Europe’s future will kick off on Friday evening with an informal gathering with music and drinks.

Members of EA at the Festival TRANSEUROPA in Madrid 2017 – photo by Elisa Sanchez Fernandez – creative commons
Sounds great, right?
If you want to participate, you need to be a member of European Alternatives, fill out our online form OR send a 1-minute video or audio answering the question “What kind of action do you think European Alternatives should do ahead of the European Elections 2019?” via email to m.pairet@euroalter.com with the subject “Open Assembly Berlin” before Friday 15th June.
The invitation covers the flight (up to 200 EUR) and two nights accommodation from Friday 14th September to Sunday 16th September (subsistence and local transportation cannot be covered).
We look forward to your thoughts and to welcome you in Berlin!