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Home / Billie Dibb

Billie Dibb

Billie works on and is the focal point too the ‘imagination’ projects of European Alternatives, and helps in the logistics of the Paris Office.

Billie works on and is the focal point too the ‘imagination’ projects of European Alternatives, and helps in the logistics of the Paris Office. They have an academic background in International Politics, with a focus on gendered nationalism and big data. They also have experience within the asylum & migration sector across the UK & France, covering roles in event management, graphics & communications, campaigning, and coordination.
Billie created and runs an event in Paris, ‘La Voisin’, an exhbo-cum-party creating a space for feminist thought and artistic expression. Billie is passionate about, and dabbles in, the creative possibilities of new technologies in the arts and how they can facilitate social change.