News and stories
Our videos include promotional, divulgative and journalistic productions by european alternatives and materials that are part of talk real, our audiovisual platform for the diffusion of innovative ideas and for the promotion of grassroots organizations and the individuals behind them.
Our publications include policy reports, tool-kits, books, artistic journals, magazines, and academic researches.
Guide to citizens assemblies for citizens assemblies
EA Journal Transeuropa 2023 Romanian Edition
EA Journal Issue 5
EA Journal Issue 6 EU Elections 2024 Special Issue
European Alternatives runs a number of podcast series on the themes of democracy, culture and equality beyond the nation-state. Our different series explore artistic, technological, geopolitical, academic and societal questions from a transnational, transborder perspective. Peruse our in-house and collaborative podcast series below.
Research about EA
European Alternatives runs a number of podcast series on the themes of democracy, culture and equality beyond the nation-state. Our different series explore artistic, technological, geopolitical, academic and societal questions from a transnational, transborder perspective. Peruse our in-house and collaborative podcast series below.
Training and learning
At European Alternatives we are always learning. We seek to create spaces to share our experiences and learn from wider movements, communities and partners. To this end, we participate in and co-create training and learning programmes for beginners and experts interested in transnational democracy and enacting a future beyond the nation state.