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Home / Events / Past events / We, the Non-Europeans

We, the Non-Europeans

Drawing from Derrida’s question on ‘what is called Europe?’ and Said’s work on the non-European, this lecture will look at how the two authors converged on the fundamental inability of Europe to approach the non-European with the openness that it required. The discussion will instead focus on ‘what is called the non-European’ and confront the audience to how Europeans and non-Europeans place themselves within world history, how this should prompt us to re-evaluate central concepts where we perform being Europeans and non-Europeans such as democracy, rights, citizenship, law, territory and state. This lecture is delivered by Engin Isin, Emeritus Professor at Queen Mary University of London and European Alternative’s advisory board member, and will be discussed by Joanne Brueton, Lecturer in French studies, University of London Institute in Paris and Musab Younis, Senior Lecturer, Queen Mary University of London.

Chair: Sarah Wolff, Professor, Queen Mary University of London

This event is part of the 2022/2023 Seminar Series of the Center for European Research on ‘The idea of Europe: Past, Present and Future’ and is part of the co-Duties project funded by the Norwegian Research Council and is organised in partnership with ULIP.

To read more about Prof. Isin work check his website.

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