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Home / Events / Past events / “Civic Circle: Engaging Communities in Democracy and Elections”  – a series of community discussion groups on Democracy and Elections

“Civic Circle: Engaging Communities in Democracy and Elections”  – a series of community discussion groups on Democracy and Elections

The DEMO participant Dina Ntziora organizes “Civic Circle: Engaging Communities in Democracy and Elections”  – a series of community discussion groups on Democracy and Elections. Communities are the bedrock of democracy, serving as the fundamental units where citizens come together to express their collective voice and shape the course of governance. Within these communities, the concept of democracy takes on a tangible form, embodying principles of equality, representation, and participation. Elections serve as a pivotal mechanism through which communities exercise their democratic rights, enabling individuals to select representatives who align with their values and advocate for their interests.The perception of the right to vote varies among individuals within communities, influenced by a myriad of factors such as historical context, cultural norms, and socio-economic status. For many, the right to vote represents a fundamental aspect of citizenship, symbolizing both a privilege and a responsibility to contribute to the democratic process. Others may view voting through a lens of skepticism or disillusionment, questioning the efficacy of their participation in an electoral system they perceive as flawed or unresponsive to their needs.