We’re always on the lookout for new contributions to the EA journal.
Taking an intersectional approach, we’re looking for topical content – text, audio, video and visual – that addresses the critical themes that affect us all from a transnational, transversal perspective. We cover a range of issues including climate, democracy, workers’ rights, social and economic policy, antiracism, decolonisation, feminism, Roma rights, LGBTQIA+ rights and more.
We hope the journal can be a space to bring together thinkers and actors (and especially people who are both at the same time!) to explore novel ideas and engage in critical reflection on our work and the social movements around us.
We strongly encourage submissions from people from minoritised and underrepresented backgrounds.
Contact our editors Marta Cillero Manzano m.cillero@euroalter.com and Noemi Pittalà n.pittala@euroalter.com if you’d like to contribute to the journal.