Launched in December 2012, the
Citizens Pact is a
bottom-up attempt to bridge the infamous democratic deficit in Europe, to empower citizens to take action, and to ensure that the 2014 the European Parliament elections are truly transeuropean, rather than a mirror of national elections. The Pact is both a
pact of cooperation and solidarity between European Citizens among themselves (understood in a large sense, i.e. including all residents in Europe) and a pact between citizens and institutions, with the common goal of a more
participatory and democratic Europe. The Citizens Pact gathers citizens and organisations from throughout Europe who join their forces to organise forums, conferences, debates, artistic performances, research workshops and much more, in order to advocate for concrete demands for the Europe they want to live in.
As a result of the
transnational contest for the creation of a logo for the Citizens Pact, we have selected (on the basis of clarity, originality and relevance to the Pact) the 8 logos below among the many received.
You can vote for your favourite logo until February 18th to decide which one will represent the Citizens Pact! The logo will be visible all around the continent until the elections of the European Parliament in 2014 and the winner will be granted an award. Any citizen or organisation wishing to inscribe their initiatives in the global framework of the Citizens Pact and signing up to a series of principles will be able to show the logo in their communication material and website.
Logo 1: Paulo Maldini
Logo 2: Claudia Rodriguez Cruz

Logo 3: Alen Tuco

Logo 4: Radovan Djurovic

Logo 5: Mirna Kuljis

Logo 6: Maddalena Mussi
Logo 7: Anel Feric

Logo 8: Karla Zuart