Mar 25, 2021
Room to Bloom: Open call for artists working on postcolonial feminism
This Spring 2021, with Room to Bloom we begin a new journey launching an open call for applications dedicated to young feminist artists navigating the fields of postcolonial and ecofeminism.
Since its origins, one of the core values of European Alternatives has relied on the belief that involving other parts of the world in our reflections and activities is necessary to make new alternatives emerge. As part of our work programme for this year, we are reinforcing our artistic activities, pushing for a more culturally open and diverse society. With Room to Bloom we are opening up a new platform that it’s engaging since its beginning with transfeminist, ecofeminist and revolutionary practices. Throughout the process, we will examine the most challenging feminist, queer, and postcolonial theories and artistic practices at a global scale that will help us collectively to challenge the Eurocentric bias. From this plurality of worlds, we aim to open a discussion and peer-to-peer learning process between different disciplines, opening the possibilities of a wide project of construction, de-construction and co-creation.
Through this call, we will collectively select a group of emerging feminist artists to participate in a mix of trainings, workshops and talks throughout the year. All the selected participants will be presented in an online index of artists that will be publicacly available and distributed among international artistic institutions.
Room to Bloom, co-run by our partners from Museums of Cultures of the World, Studio Rizoma, AthenSyn and Avtonomi Akademia, launches its programme online and approaching artists and creators from all across the globe imagining new methodologies that allow participants to de-centre Europe, to articulate a new centrality for the peripheries of the world and re-establish Europe’s rapport with Northern Africa and the Americas.
An open call for young artists and creators working in the field of ecofeminism and postcolonial practices, that are willing to engage in a transnational network crafting new narratives for Europe.
The journey of Room to Bloom begins with the launch of an open call for young artists and creators working in the field of ecofeminism and postcolonial practices, that are willing to engage in a transnational networking crafting new narratives for Europe. Together with an advisory board specially formed for the platform, Room to Bloom will select 100 artists operating with feminist practices. Out of them, 15 artists will be selected to work over the Summer to produce artworks reflecting on the central themes of the platform. In a collective curatorial process, the 15 artworks selected will be pointing out new ways for transnational, post-colonial and environmentally sensible art practices to imagine new possible futures for women and minorities in the Art world.
Room to Bloom artworks will be exhibited in the context of the artistic programme for the city of Palermo curated by Studio Rizoma, in the Biennale of Kyiv and the Biennale of Warsaw.
Take a look at the new project website, read the terms of reference to apply, and share the call with your contacts!
Deadline to apply is 23rd April, 2021 midnight CET.