European Alternatives in the media
Italy’s Giorgia Meloni is no Mussolini – but she may be a Trump
There is now a way for the UK to rebuild its bridges with the EU – Labour should take the lead
Italians want Mario Draghi to deliver ‘normality’ – and therein lies the danger
VoxEurop: “‘The virus started changing the way in which we use technology, but also the way we access, create and produce art’
Repubblica: Una mostra on line con le opere della quarantena
Repubblica: Palermo, temi e oggetti del lockdown raccontati da tredici artisti
Artribune: A Palermo nasce Rizoma, istituto di sperimentazione culturale promosso da European Alternatives
EU Observer: Future of Europe Conference: Council urged to move now
Vox Europ: The case for a citizens-centered Conference on the Future of Europe
France24: Europe after Covid 19: How €750 billion could reboot the EU
“Il fondo comune europeo: così si salva l’unione” “Las élites nos han fallado: es la hora de construir una república europea”
The New York Times: “A Director Asks, Would Jesus Stand With Today’s Migrants?”
The Guardian: Elites have failed us. It is time to create a European republic
Rai Radio: 70 anni da europei
Linkiesta: Il 9 maggio cittadini e associazioni si organizzano la loro conferenza sul futuro dell’Unione
Vox Europ: ‘We want a Europe that cares and is taken care of’
Il Riformista: “I parlamentari di centrosinistra contro decreto porti chiusi: “Va ritirato””
AlJazeera: The coronavirus pandemic can empower us to demand change
Deutschlandfunk Kultur: “Plea for a transnational party”
KUECHENSTUD.IO: re:publica 2019 | tl;dr | Stage 2 – Day 2
DerStandard: “The loud adieu to the idea of the nation”
Neus Deutschland: “The Senate must become more radical”
La7: “Paese spaccato in due, unica soluzione un’estensione lunga”