Feb 5, 2024
Online open discussion with Laura Sullivan and Mashanti Alina
Come and join us for an online open discussion with Laura Sullivan and Mashanti Alina in Zoom on the 4th of March at 18:30 CET!
Laura Sullivan will share about her work in WeMoveEurope with an accent on systemic change thinking for NGOs, feminist leadership and EU institutional knowledge. Mashanti Alina will join with a session on burnout prevention amongst activists.
18:30 – 18:40 – Presentation of EA, D.E.M.O., the lecture and the participants
18:40 – 19:00 – Laura Sullivan – individual presentation
19:00 – 19:20 – Mashanti Alina – individual presentation
19:20 – 19:40 – Discussion with both speakers
19:40 – onwards – time for Q & A from the audience
Laura Sullivan is feminist activist and the Executive Director of WeMove Europe, a campaigning organisation focused on transforming the EU through people power with over a million supporters across Europe. She has spent 22 years in Brussels fighting for social and environmental justice, with shorter stints living and building bridges with campaigners in Senegal, Brazil and Peru. Laura started out at the European Parliament as an MEP Assistant with a focus on the Environment and Development Committees. She then joined the Trade Union Confederation Education International managing programmes on health and education in Asia and the Caribbean. At ActionAid International, she spent 10 years managing campaigns on food, land, agriculture and women’s rights in Europe and then as Regional Director for Europe and the Americas. Over that time, she was also Vice President of the Board of Concord, the main global social justice network in Europe, and a board member of ActionAid Brazil. She has an MA in Governance and Development specialising in civil society participation. Her main interests lie in systemic change thinking and feminist leadership. She has a passion for all things related to music, language and justice.
Twitter: @laura_sullivan
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-sullivan-39714355/?originalSubdomain=be
Mashanti Alina is a peace facilitator, meditation teacher and trainer for team development, living in Berlin. She is the co-founder of the social start-up GesellschaftSEIN, offering formats such as Deep Talks and Peace Talks for conscious human centered transformation and co-initiated MyUrbanology, a platform for German speaking BIPoCs.
Mashanti Alina is mainly active in the field of peaceful co-creation, diversity orientation and team development for organizations. She offers personal development formats to leaders and activists using Soulful Meditation as a tool to raise resilience, self consciousness and healing.
In the realm of her collaboration at Centre for Kan Yu, a consciousness building project and meditation centre, she co-developed Soulful Leadership as a leadership approach and currently researches on the effects of Soulful Leadership and meditation on leadership skills together with the University of Frankfurt/Main.
In 2023, Mashanti Alina founded DE_CONSTRUCT together with Anthony Owosekun and Stephanie Cuff-Schöttle, tackling the lack of racism awareness trainings for professionals and management staff.
This event is part of the program of D.E.M.O. (Democracy, Elections, Mentorship, Organizing) by European Alternatives.
The “D.E.M.O.” project aims to encourage and facilitate the active engagement of a wide network of European citizens through both capacity-building & citizens’ engagement actions, in the context of the upcoming 2024 European Elections. It will provide 50 change-makers from at least 8 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Sweden and others) – with the necessary tools to re-imagine democracy in their local communities and to encourage democratic participation.
Learn more about the project here.