Sep 14, 2017
Open Call for Artists: Voice of______ at Transeuropa
Are you an artist, writer or producer living abroad? You participate in the cultural life and economy of the country of residence? Are you puzzled by the fact that you cannot take part in the decision-making processes of that country? Do you feel like sharing your perspective on this paradoxical experience? If your answer is YES, maybe you should contact us and take part in our growing collection of narratives considering this topic!
THE VOICE OF_________
Collection of electoral materials designed by the artists who have no right to vote
Today, a great amount of amazing artists are living and moving all over Europe. Multiple travel, education and working opportunities have allowed for relatively networked artist communities to grow, sometimes without interactions with local political realities or spaces. However, these artists still have limited or no set of rights to participation and collective decision-making locally, which can impact identities, sense of belonging and perceptions of/by local cultural contexts. The minds and sensibilities of artists are regularly exposed to transnational, national and local political messages, especially at the occasion of electoral elections, to which they often cannot participate, no matter that they actively participate in the economies and cultural life of the countries they live in.
We want to explore how artists, who have no voting rights in their country of residence, would react if they imagine themselves being in charge of formulating and designing election campaigns. How would they use their democratic right of free aesthetic expression, in an hostile context regarding their rights? How would they react, which message would they send when invited to comment on these circumstances through an aesthetic form? With this exhibition, we want to draw the public attention to the paradoxes that are surrounding this issue.
Exhibition is curated by Vladimir Palibrk, in collaboration with European Alternatives
Our first edition that was presented in Paris in June 2017 as a comment on French elections that were going on at that time, included the works of following artists:
ŽARKO ALEKSIĆ, Serbia/Austria
GEORGE BODOCAN, Romania/France
BARBARA MOURA, Portugal/Austria
DZAIZKU, Serbia/France
GOLNAR KAT, Iran/Germany
At this year’s TRANSEUROPA festival that will take place in Madrid, Spain, between 25th and 29th of October, the exhibition will include also a number of works collected through an ongoing open call. In order to apply send your resume and concept proposal to, and our curatorial team will get back to you soon, thank you! In general, we aim for posters of standard size up to 60×70 cm, but we would not say no to a good proposal in domain of video, flyers, installations, performances..hit us up!
DEADLINE? It’s quite flexible, but end of September 2017 sounds perfect for us.