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Home / Resources / News / Members of European Alternatives elected their representatives

Members of European Alternatives elected their representatives

Following a week of online transnational elections, members of European Alternatives have elected two new representatives on the Board: Louise Métrichand Monica Marquez. Congratulations to them but also to the other candidates for their involvement and contributions to the elections and for their ideas to move the organisation forward!
Louise Métrich and Monica Marquez
According to our Constitution, which was drafted and agreed upon by members and which sets up the structure of the organisation, “members’ representatives are responsible for ensuring the role of the Membership as a central actor and decision-maker by ensuring efficient internal communication of activities and positions of European Alternatives, improving online and offline participatory structures, and working to expand the membership and represent it publicly.”Please find below a message from the new members’ representatives (MR):

Dear fellow members,
First of all, many thanks to all of you for your participation in the elections, for your support and trust, and for giving us this great opportunity to be part of the action bridges. Let us share with you a short sight of the main points we would like to enclose in the MR working plan, in order to accomplish our joint outlines. We have included not only our respective proposals but also tried to include the ideas from all other MR candidates:

  • Implement open discussion forums for both, content and logistical issues. For this first we would like to make a review of the way it´s being done and try to find some new software that may improve what we have.
  • Create/reorganize a common open database with useful documents, links, etc.
  • Make an action plan to collaborate closer with the diverse kinds of members (local coordinators, active members, passive members, potential members).
  • Strengthen the members issues in the board meetings agenda.
  • Improve our promotion strategies to have more internal participation in the projects and also be more attractive for new members

We believe it will be a very exciting and enriching challenge to work with all of us. We have a full year ahead of us, with many exciting things awaiting us, such as the Festival! All candidates have already shared many ideas on how to improve the functionning of EA from the perspective of the members, and we are sure that many other members have also great ideas to share.

This is why we invite all of you to write us, the MR, to share your ideas and questions, as often as you need and feel like! We are looking forward to all your comments and suggestions 🙂

You can contact Louise and Monica at