May 23, 2012
Join Transeuropa Festival! Become a Volunteer!
The first transnational Festival in Europe
For Democracy, Equality and Culture beyond the Nation State!

Even if you only have 30 seconds
You can help TRANSEUROPA Festival to be interesting and successful
What are opportunities opened up by a participation in TRANSEUROPA Festival?
TRANSEUROPA Festival is organised by European Alternatives through a network of young activist, intellectuals, curators from all over Europe. By involving with TRANSEUROPA Festival you’ll get a chance to get in touch with all these people, either directly, meeting them at the Festival events or later to Transeuropa Network meetings or through internet – interacting with them on the web.
If you have:
…30 seconds:
- LIKE the TRANSEUROPA (name of your city) Facebook page, e.g. “Transeuropa London“
- Join EA
- Decide on which festival event I want to come to…
…2 minutes:
Same as above (2 min) +
- LET my friends know about it
- Invite my friends to come to EA opening event and LIKE Transeuropa FB page
- Write a tweet about the festival to my community (#transeuropa)
….5 minutes:
Same as above (2 min) +
- Think at other people I know, or have worked with who would be interested, find their contact, send them an email
- Write down in my calendar the date of the event I am coming to
…1 or 2 hours:
Same as above (2 min) +
- Come to one of our preparatory meeting and/or one event of the Festival contacting the the Transeuropa page of your city
.…More: THANKS a lot! Your hep can them become more specific depending on your skills and will so go down the list
You like being outside and chat with people:
– you can help to distribute programmes in your favourite places
– put up posters
– and let people know about the Festival
– during the festival you can come to events, welcome participants, explain what the Festival is about
You are a geek and you LOVE the internet or complicated software
– you can act on the web regularly and send news on FB and tweet or on other websites about the Festival
– you can help us setting up the web-streaming during the festival
– Set up Skype connection
– and help with all the technology during festival events
You are a journalist or a natural communicator
– you can help us contact the press: write press release, help identify journalists to contact, write articles for the EA website
– you can help us reach out new publics while assisting the communication strategy
– you can help us send news about what happened in Paris during the festival to other cities and report on what happened in the other cities
You don’t mind helping with practical matters
– We’ll need help during the festival to set up the rooms, move out things, go and pick up our speakers in their hotel etc…
You are good at making PHOTOS and VIDEOS
– We badly need documentation around the festival, so we’ll welcome any support if you are happy to cover one or more events by making pictures or filming the meetings
– we’ll also need specific filming capacity for a workshop on the project ‘it gets’ better during the festival on Wednesday 11th of May
You are interested in specific topics:
New forms of democratic participation, Migration and Alternatives to Austerity Measures
– Enter into a discussion online with people in the other cities that are interested or work on these issues
– Help us refining the events preparation by researching the topic and building proposals
– Write an article for EA website or on your blog mentioning TRANSEUROPA Festival
– Come to related events before and during the festival