Sheffield - May 16, 2024
Blurring the Edges: Research, Art & Collaboration
A project by Lora Krasteva, a DEMO participant.
Blurring the Edges is a look at the research on social frontiers through visual art and augmented reality. Social frontiers arise when there are sharp differences in the community groups of neighbouring communities. This work is specifically based on Rotherham.
The exhibition includes artwork which blends national flowers of Bulgaria, Pakistan and the UK, a chance to listen to a discussion around the themes raised by social frontiers – including the home, identity and safety, as well as a chance to watch a short film made with Rotherham residents.
The work is a result of a collaboration between ‘Life at the Frontier’ researchers at the University of Sheffield, Bulgarian-born, Sheffield-based artist and cultural producer Lora Krasteva, and Rotherham-based visual artist Uzma Rani.
Produced by Claire Gilbert, with thanks to Professor Gwilym Pryce, Dr Aneta Piekut, Dr Henry Staples, Dr Zanib Rasool, Jovana Backovic, Matt Butt, ROAR Rotherham and to our community who helped us record the ‘Blurring the Edges’ soundscape.
Life at the Frontiers aims to understand the role of ‘social frontiers’ in determining the social mobility and integration of migrants and other groups. Social frontiers arise when neighbouring communities are very different in terms of their cultural, ethnic and/or social make-up, and when the spatial transition in these characteristics is abrupt, rather than gradual. This programme is funded by Nordforsk & the Economic and Social Research Council. As a part of the project, Piekut, Rasool and Staples have been engaged in continuous work with a community in Rotherham informing the performance.
The exhibition is open daily from Monday to Friday. More info: