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Home / Resources / Videos / Page 7
  • Migration crisis: The EU is part of this problem

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  • Rise of far right: The EU needs to do much more to fight against it

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  • Marina Garcés: Vivimos una crisis de soberanía más que un combate entre identidades

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  • Black Lives Matter Denmark: interview with Bwalya Sørensen

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  • Erkan Özgen: Kurdish artist

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  • Presentation with Oliver Ressler: What’s after the nation state?

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  • The path forwards with Miguel Urban and Lorenzo Marsili

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  • From the city to Europe, bypassing the State

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  • The parable of the nation state

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  • Marina Garcés y Santiago Alba Rico: ¿el retorno de los nacionalismos?

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  • Feminism in Belarus: What is Make Out?

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  • Power Coalitions (Talk Real in Rijeka)

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  • Marcelo Expósito – Barcelona en Comú

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  • Tania Bruguera: Feminist art is for me a conversation about power

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  • Maria Hlavajova: Art and social change in Eastern Europe

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  • Nationalism and Populism beyond the European Union

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  • Juan Carlos Monedero (interview with the co-founder of Podemos)

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  • Right to the City

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  • Positions on Corruption

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  • European Activism: What grassroots alternatives are growing across Europe?

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  • Back to the Colourful Revolution

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  • Environmental racism in Eastern Europe

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  • Annual General Meeting of European Alternatives!

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  • Social Movements in the Balkans: From Protests to Plenums

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