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  • Deutschlandfunk Kultur: “Antifascism does not belong in the left corner”

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  • The Carnegie Europe: Democratizing Europe’s economy

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  • Red Pepper: “What Europe Wants”

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  • The Guardian: “We call on Labour to back remain”

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  • BBC: “The EU: Saviour or oppressor?”

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  • “Houve um falhanço para explicar o que significa a Europa”

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  • Phoenix TV: “Will the EU stop Italy’s household escapades?”

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  • Jungle World: “The nation state must be overcome”

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  • Aljazeera: “National-populism: a new global model is born”

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  • La7: “Salvini-Di Maio, sfiorare o sforare il 3 per cento?”

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  • Aljazeera: “The far-right has a utopia. What’s ours?”

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  • The Nation: “If We Don’t Understand Class Struggle, We Don’t Understand Anything”

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  • Aljazeera: “Italy’s crisis is about to get much worse”

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  • France 24: “A recurrent theme in the Italian election campaign was the EU abandoned us”

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  • Washington Post: “Italy’s thwarted populists may have their revenge on Europe”

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  • The Guardian: “Italy’s belligerent new coalition is bad news for the EU”

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  • The Guardian: “Two anti-elite parties have divided Italy between them. What now?”

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  • Aljazeera: “Italian elections and the crisis of European democracy”

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  • Aljazeera: “It’s high time for a new, multipolar world order”

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  • BBC News World: Interview with Lorenzo Marsili

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  • Deutschlandfunk: “The crisis in Europe”

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  • Aljazeera: “Now Italy needs a new deal – and new politics”

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  • openDemocracy: Back to the Colourful Revolution

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  • Deutschlandfunk: “Young Europeans call for direct election of the EU Parliament President”

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