Alternatives Europennes…
We are doing this through:
Articulate a radical, long-term vision of democratic, just and culturally-open politics, society and culture beyond the nation-state for Europe and for the world.
Experiment with forms of action that contribute to transformative change in political institutions, society, the economy and imagination.
Build the capacity, the mutual-awareness and connection of members, activists and organisations working in line with our values.
Advance and defend human, fundamental, civic, democratic and social rights across borders.
Our values
Our values guide how we work to pursue our mission:
Transnational and local: we believe local and regional initiatives benefit from going beyond national boundaries and interests
Transdisciplinary: we believe alternatives are generated at the intersection of disciplines and are enriched by diverse expertise and perspectives
Creative and experimental: we believe in the power of the arts and culture to unlock imaginaries and in the necessity of acting and learning through experimentation
Open, inclusive and feminist: we believe in a culturally open society and in diversity as a precondition for sustainable alternatives to emerge
Empowering and participatory: we provide the space for citizens to network and ensure our activities and events give space for co-creation and participation
Anti-eurocentric: we believe involving other parts of the world in our reflections and activities is necessary to make new alternatives emerge