Oct 23, 2014
Fixing Europe: A Starting Point
So, if you want to fix Europe, where do you start? Do we need to change the institutions, or our thinking? Can we be pragmatic about it and fix it ‘on-the-fly’ by building and slowly growing local initiatives, or should we develop elaborate alternatives and present them through the official channels? Today, at the first day of European Alternatives’ #fixEurope campus we asked 80 political and cultural activist from throughout Europe, what they think should be fixed in Europe, and how we can fix it.
“What”, we asked, “do you think are the most pressing issues to be fixed in Europe?”. Everything, from the smallest locality (no land-grab in municipality X) to large, all encompassing problems (we need to rethink our understanding of economy and consumption), was discussed, analysed, and criticised. From alternative economies to putting a halt to TTIP, and from saving a local theatre to using art and culture for creative interventions and subversion of ‘normal’ politics.
Bringing together 80 critical minds to reflect on European politics, culture and citizenship is the means of our campus, our aim, however, is much bigger: we want to #fixeurope. Not just talk about, but actually do. The debates we had this morning about democracy and alternative economies, about migration, citizenship, the environment and civil rights showed that many people are struggling with similar problems. We are here not just to learn from each other and our struggles, but to find grounds that unite us and start building a common future together.
Today, the introduction was intense, but therefore immensely fruitful. Over the next two day’s we will strengthen this transeuropean network of activist, so that we can confront and overcome the challenges that the European Union and civil society face.