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Home / Events / Past events / “The Meeting Point” – an exhibition and publication on female migration experiences

“The Meeting Point” – an exhibition and publication on female migration experiences

“The Meeting Point” by the DEMO participant Ally Zlatar delves into the depths of a transformative journey, drawing inspiration from the countless untold stories of the hardships women have endured in the forced and non-forced migration process. Through these works, we explore diverse perspectives and artistic expressions that illuminate the intricate relationship between art and the quest for identity within transitioning homelands and new contexts.Moving beyond visual allure, these artworks serve as poignant messengers, urging systemic reform, the preservation of connections in migrant communities, and a collective plea for humanity in the face of adversity. The Starving Artist aims to encourage reflection on the profound impact of belonging and identity formation through the lived-in experiences of artists to examine more in-depth what it means to navigate female-migrant identity in the 21st century.

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