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Home / Events / Past events / Beyond Geopolitics – Progressive Demands for EU Enlargement

Beyond Geopolitics – Progressive Demands for EU Enlargement

Tuesday 5 March 2024 (9.30 – 13.00)
European Parliament (Brussels) – Spinelli 1G2


Driven by geopolitical ambitions, EU leaders are pushing forward a new round of enlargement. In candidate countries such as Ukraine and Moldova, the accession process will bring about deep political, economic and societal transformations in very little time. This conference aims to involve alternative voices in the debate around upcoming reforms, both in candidate countries as well as of the EU Treaties. EA Director Ségolène Pruvot will be speaking at the event. Click here for the latest updates.
Languages: German, English, French, Greek, Spanish, Czech, Romanian, Polish, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Croatian, Slovak.

Register HERE before 28 February.


The event will be live-streamed.
Online participants can use the Slido app to ask questions.

The conference will be followed by a light lunch.


Welcome and opening remarks

  • Helmut Scholz, MEP – The Left
  • Stelios Kouloglou, MEP – The Left

Ever Larger, Ever Closer? Reviewing the EU Treaty, Learning Lessons & Addressing Contradictions

  •  Keynote: Günter Verheugen (Commissioner for Enlargement 1999-2004, Commissioner for Enterprise & Industry 2004-2010, Germany)
  •  Adrian Zandberg (Co-leader of Lewica Razem, Poland) (tbc)
  • Tea Jarc (ETUC Secretary, Slovenia)
  • Ségolène Pruvot (Director of European Alternatives, France)
  • Leïla Chaibi (MEP, The Left, France)

Chair: Nikolaj Villumsen, MEP – The Left

Beyond Geopolitics: Addressing Expectations & Challenges for Candidate Countries

  • Keynote: Elisa Ferreira (Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Portugal) (tbc)
  • Vitaliy Dudin (activist, NGO Sotsialnyi Rukh, Ukraine) (tbc)
  • Vladimir Simović (Centre for the Politics of Emancipation, Serbia)
  • Radmila Šekerinska (Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration 2002-2006, Minister of Defense 2017-2022, North Macedonia)
  • Inna Șupac (Institute for Strategic Initiatives, MP 2009-2019, Moldova)
  • Ion Ceban (Mayor of Chișinău, Mișcarea Alternativa Națională, Moldova)
  • Andris Kesteris (European Commission, Media and Civil Society Principal Advisor at DG NEAR)

Chair: Stelios Kouloglou, MEP – The Left

Ready or not: Progressive Demands for EU enlargement
Debate, in person and via Slido
Chair: Helmut Scholz, MEP – The Left

Closing Remarks

  • Helmut Scholz, MEP – The Left
  • Stelios Kouloglou, MEP – The Left