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Home / Journal / Framework for Resilience: Ecological Empathy

Framework for Resilience is a three-part series of online conversations which bring together activists, artists, researchers and educators to think about the world we are creating, the world we are destroying, the systems which will fall, and those which should prevail

Installation view at FACT, 2020. Exhibited as part of And Say the Animal Responded
Kuai Shen, Ohm1gas (2012)
Credit: Bob Battersby

The first episode of the series focuses on the dismissive and destructive ways colonial powers have overtaken the natural world, extending the same attitudes to those who call these spaces home. Foregrounding the importance of empathy and practices of care, the speakers discuss the effects of taking a more mindful and generous approach to the places we live, and our neighbours. 

Hosted by Lesley Taker (Exhibitions Manager at FACT), mediated by Dr. Luiza Prado de O Martins (Artist, Researcher) who are joined by Dr. Edna Bonhomme (Historian, Writer, Interdisciplinary Artist), Céline Semaan-Vernon (Founder of Slow Factory Foundation, Designer, Writer, Activist) and Shonagh Short (Artist, Socially Engaged Practice).