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Home / Journal / Resistance: decolonising the digital transformation

An Artsformation podcast series hosted by Seema Syeda, Communications Officer at European Alternatives. Artsformation is a research project exploring the intersection between arts, society and technology. We aim to understand, analyse, and promote the ways in which the Arts can reinforce the social, cultural, economic, and political benefits of digital transformation.

How can we use arts and creative space to bring a decolonial approach to digital transformation? Artsformation ran ‘RESISTANCE’, a residency in Lesvos, Greece, to explore the question, followed by a public assembly held at the TRANSMEDIALE festival in Berlin. The residency and assembly brought together professionals from the fields of art, culture and creative industries into a dedicated space to express their voices in shaping the future of Europe’s digital transformation through their practice. These were moments of opportunity to systemically reconstruct a resilient civic fabric and shared democratic space, capable of inducing systemic change and reframing the present narrative of survivability to one of sustainability and resilience. In this podcast series, we meet the residents, coordinators and researchers to discuss their experience building new imaginaries to challenge inequality and existing power structures.

In our first episode, Artsformation meets Aris Papadopoulos (LATRA). LATRA coordinated our artist residency in Lesvos, Greece, on decolonising the digital transformation. Aris discusses how place, practice, and expression were key to the conceptualisation of a residency themed on decolonial resistance to systemic inequalities in Europe’s digital structures. See the zines and find out more at