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Home / Who we are / Governance & finances

European Alternatives is an ongoing experiment in creating a transnational grassroots organisation, which is committed to participation and democratic functioning, empowering its members both to influence internal decision making, and take the initiative to propose and run new activities.

Our story 1

The structure of European Alternatives is composed of different groups that work in coordination that ensure the overall strategy and mission of the organisation:

The Transnational Board of Trustees is legally empowered to oversee the running of the organisation, set its strategy and approve its work-program. It does so in dialogue with individual and organisational members, local groups and our partners through regular surveys, questionnaires and forums to understand the priorities and interests of the organisation.

The Advisory Board includes leading thinkers, artists and activists from throughout Europe and beyond, who advise the organisation on its message, its strategy, on formats of activities, on partners and potential stakeholders.

The Staff members of the organisation are responsible for the implementation of the work-program, its communication and ongoing coordination of the membership.

European Alternatives has legal registrations in France, Italy, Germany and the UK. The different legal entities of European Alternatives collaborate on a daily basis to realise our activities.

Each legal entity is accountable to the Transnational board, our members and national authorities. European Alternatives is committed to transparency, being responsive to stakeholders and using funding in the most responsible way for long-term impact.

The governance and financial information for each entity can be found here:

Our funders


In the course of its programmes and public activities, EA’s employees and volunteers come into contact with people who are potentially vulnerable or at risk. EA recognises its duty to identify and protect such people in the course of its actions and to have a ‘Do Not Harm’ policy. For EA, this means interrogating our actions ahead of time for potential causes of harm, and ensuring mitigation measures are put in place for any identified risks. At the same time, EA refuses to victimise people on the basis of their having one or several of these characteristics and absolutely wants to avoid developing a paternalistic approach: it does so by first considering each person in her/his richness and power and recognising their knowledge as well as providing safer and empowering environment of work. Therefore EA enforces the following Vulnerable Persons Safeguarding Policy. You can also download our Child Protection Policy here.